Carney Brewer, LMT
Carney (she/her/they/dude) is a Licensed Massage Therapist trained at the New York College of Health Professionals in New York and at SpaTech in Maine. In the 15 years since obtaining her Maine massage license Carney has worked in both spa and chiropractic settings and has a small traveling practice focused on individuals living with special needs. Carney’s mode of therapy therefore is active in listening, gentle in initial approach and focused on creating an opportunity for the body and mind to deeply relax. In relaxation healing can occur.
Carney has been intrigued by the energies of the world we live on since childhood, collecting gemstones and Tarot cards before middle school. Carney received the 4 levels of Reiki attunement that is Teacher level (2005-2007) and has studied core shamanic practices with local practitioners, Spirit Passages (2007- 2011). Although in this practice Carney is only offering therapeutic massage, these other skills and levels of awareness inform all sessions.
Carney acknowledges LGBTQIA rights are undeniable human rights, Black Lives Matter, indigenous sovereignty needs to be upheld, water is a free and public resource to be cared for carefully, reforestation is imperative and it’s good for boys and men to cry. She also believes that choice and bodily autonomy are inherent rights by virtue of having a body.
Now, the mundane. Carney is a queer parent to 2 young adults, spouse to Marie, center of the universe to pup Bowie and lowly servant to the real head of the house, Puddy Cat. Carney enjoys spending time in the kitchen learning new ways to prepare vegetables and baking all the things. Carney also knits, makes multimedia art, spends lots of time on the beach and absolutely loves talking to strangers. Carney pulls over on the side of the road to watch birds, sometimes forgets to talk to the person holding the dogs’ leash, and has been known to utilize puppets during Zoom calls.